AI-Powered Fleet Automation Platform to create a Zero Downtime future.

We believe that in the future no fleet business will succeed unless it is fully automated.

We deliver the industry’s most powerful and integrated predictive maintenance solution, data-driven operations control, and the only intelligent ecodriving system available for multi-brand fleets.

We will lead the transportation industry towards a zero-downtime future, enabling transport companies to serve more customers, better, at a lower cost.

We let our customers do the talking

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Our offices

Av. João Crisóstomo, Nº 30, 1ª Andar, 1050-127, Lisbon
IPN – Building D, Rua Pedro Nunes, 3030–199, Coimbra
3rd Floor, 19-20 Noel Street, London W1F 8GW
United Kingdom
11 Cove Way, #12-02 Cape Royale, Singapore 098202